Friday, June 19, 2009

Book Week!!

It was fantastic to have Lucy's Dad visit and read his favourite comic book to us!

For Book Week the children chose funny books.
Parents if you would like to come in and read please just pop in with your choice of funny book to read to the class or a group of children. Dad's especially! I have some books in the class if you can't find one.

Book Mark Competition: The children can make a book mark at home. Winners will be announced at the Book Week Parade on Friday.

Lunchtime Reading in the Library: Local celebrities will be invited to read stories each lunchtime in the Library.

Book Character Parade: Dress up as your favourite book character. The Parade will be held on the tennis court by the Library on Friday at 2.30pm.

Look at us!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What types of worms are composting worms?

We have found out a lot of interesting of worm facts. We have found out earth worms are great recyclers because they recycle soil, plant material and dead animals. But because we are thinking about the rubbish in the school we want to know which worm is the best worm to compost our rubbish so we can make compost for our school gardens. Everyone in the class got busy and googled worms and found Tiger worms are great composters. Bonny found the classification of Tiger Worms on a website she found. See if you can find out some more information from these websites:


Saturday, June 13, 2009


I have been adding different links into the Homework area. Hope you have found them good. I have not seen any more certificates. Seth has been the only one. If you do not have a printer please write into your homework book or add a comment on the blog to show you have got a certificate. Please make sure you are either using the Homework links or doing your homework into your books.
We talked about this at school. Homework can be either done online through the blog and reading your daily reader from school. Spelling words are used to add to the story on the Wiki.
Or into your books on the worksheet, write sentences for each spelling word and read your daily reader from school every night.
Just something to think about, parents, when you think your child is wasting time on the computer playing games through the links I have provided. Computers give children more 'hits' at gaining and securing knowledge more than any other way.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Report Writing!

This week we have been writing reports and have found out some fantastic information about frogs to write about. Next week we want to write about worms. Here are some links to help you: