Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Plays and Drama

We have made our Manners doco-drama. If the children bring in a DVD disc I can burn a copy for you. Although you probably do not need to because here it is. Enjoy!

Thank you for the work you put into helping your child to get this information together. It is all very interesting and we have all learned so much!
We have peer evaluated our doco-drama and here is what we thought:

1. Parents and grandparents need to write down the information using language we can read and understand.
2. Parents need to help us at home to practice reading the information.
3. Talk clearly and with expression. Not too fast and not too slow.
4. Remember to pause and stop at the commas and full stops.
5. When in the drama remember to stay in the role of the character.

The doco-drama is based on the style of a German playwright, Bertolt Brecht. Here are some examples if you are looking to know more about our drama.

Jerome Bruner's
notion of forming concepts through a three modes of representation and to use these three modes as a useful way of understanding:

Symbolic: mostly words, spoken or written, but also maths symbols, musical notes

Iconic Paintings: drawings, photos, videos, diagrams (visual representation)

Enactive Doing: engaging physically

Hopefully you can see these ideas coming through in our Manners doco-drama. It would be fantastic if you could leave us a comment!

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